Members of our community have key roles during our worship services. A rotation of parishioners read from lead music, read Scripture, lead in prayer, and assist with communion.
MUSIC: We invite gifted musicians and vocalists from our community to lead in music and singing.
READERS: Every service at Ascension includues readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, and the Gospels. We publicaly read most of the Bible every three years.
INTERCESSORS: Gifted intercessors lead the congretation in "the prayers of the people" every service.
LAY ASSISTANTS: Men and women from our community assist the deacons and priests in administering Holy Communion.
USHERS: We celebrate communion every Sunday at the church of the Ascension, and this requires a little bit of coordination. Our “sides people” assist during the offertory and communion to make sure that regular parishioners and visitors know how to participate, and to assist and guide people during communion.
ALTAR GUILD: The altar guild prepares and cleans the vessels and materials used during communion, and ensures that our worship space looks appropriate for worship.
SET-UP: We worship in the auditorium at the Langley Community Music School. A team from our church community arrive before worship to set up our worship space: arranging chairs, setting up the altar, and getting musical instruments and A/V ready. After the service this team puts everything away, and readies items for the next week.