We partner with families to nurture their children and help them know and worship God, understand His Word, live like His Son, share His love with friends and others, and grow into lifelong followers of Jesus Christ.
Almighty God, Lord of heaven and earth, in the name of your Son Jesus the Messiah, we give you thanks and praise for the young ones of our parish; and we pray your Holy Spirit fall upon them here and now like spring rain, and that You bless our efforts to grow their faith in You and Your Word. Amen.
The Kingdom Story is Year 1 of the two-year curriculum. The Kingdom Story is inspired by the Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm. The curriculum seeks to highlight the grand narrative of the Bible, and to show the children that the stories in the Bible are not isolated stories, but together they weave the rich tapestry of the history of God’s people and the unfolding of the Kingdom of God on earth. It includes both Old and New Testament stories that point to and reveal Christ as the Saviour and Promised Forever King.
The Kingdom Life is Year 2 of the two-year curriculum. The Kingdom Life seeks to cover all the main themes in the ACNA catechism, placing each Bible lesson into the larger context of God’s Kingdom to help the children understand the big picture and give them a Biblical world view. They will learn about who God is, who we are, and about God’s big plan to bring his life to the world.
Our teachers are vetted with criminal record's checks and follow safeguarding guidelines to ensure the welfare of our children.